MILLARD NEWS - 3D Printed Face Shields
In the early days of COVID-19 lockdown it became evident that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) would be in short supply. In an effort to help, Millard joined the Producer Alliance, a self-organized group set about creating its own supply chain for the production and delivery of PPE to front-line workers, particularly face shields.
Millard Towers, led by Product Engineer Shaun McLeod, undertook 3D printing components while in self-isolation. Millard has contributed enough components for over 325 face shields. At the height of production, the group was donating a total of 282 face shields per day.
Special thanks to Chris Daniel and Chris Gillis of Durham College for coordinating the efforts, and the Northumberland community for donating their time and resources. For more information on the Producer Alliance and to read the full story of how they brought a community together in response to this pandemic, you can visit their website:
3D printed face shield components alongside a Millard Towers section (not to scale).