PRODUCT FEATURE - Custom Mount: Localizer Cable Tray


While we aim to offer customers standardized products, we don’t shy away from customized solutions. Even the projects that use standard products often have some custom component to them. For a 2020 European project, Millard supplied its standard 1.50m LLZ tower for a 20-element array. In addition to the support structure, Millard collaborated closely with Intelcan Technosystems to design and fabricate a mount to support a cable tray running the length of the array, sometimes up to 50m. The mount elevates the cable tray off the ground to prevent water intrusion and in colder climates, to keep it out of the snow.


Although some components might be relatively insignificant when compared to the project as a whole, these details make all the difference when it comes to the contractor’s experience installing, and the end user’s experience maintaining. Millard is pleased to support these details with in-house engineering and fabrication services.


TECHNICAL BRIEF - Localizers and Frangibility